Five checks for deciding a website design...
...or how to design a successful website
Wed, 03 Dec 2008 15:22:52 +0200
1. Good product: A good product or service that people look for. Present the best of you, present it the best way you can!
2. Web Site Design: If it's not a well designed site, you're fighting a losing battle. Believe me! Different design styles serve different occasions and I understand that.
3. Web Functionality: Unplanned Navigation and people not knowing where to find the information they look for. People would leave your web site in seconds unless you keep them interested.
4. Content: Picture speaks more than words but word also do convey. Combine both to achieve best.
5. Browser Compatibilty: If your site cannot be viewed with common browsers, redesign it instead of troubling your potential customers to install 10MB application just to view your site. Nobody actually downloads, I create sites that are best viewed in cross browsers.